Comments on: How to Play Canasta The Best Card Games & How to Play Tue, 09 Jan 2018 17:27:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michelle Reyes Tue, 09 Jan 2018 17:27:22 +0000 This game is amazing! I played it with the little kiddos and they had a blast!
This game is fantastic family fun which we could play for hours! Love this game.

By: Blanche Sun, 20 Aug 2017 12:36:16 +0000 I too have played since the 1960’s I totally agree 50 to go down initially and 90 when you reach 1495 and 120 when you reach 3000 and play to 5000. Nothing was said about black 3’s freezing the pack to the next player or red 3’s being worth 100 points but if you get all 4 they are worth 800.

I use to play that if you did not have a wild card to freeze the pack but had a red 3 we used use that but I am not sure if that was only a rule we made up for our own game play plus i seem to remember that we could only freeze the pack twice until it had been won. You do not say what the value of a natural canasta or an unatural Canasta is worth.

By: Blanche Sun, 20 Aug 2017 12:25:12 +0000 You did not say anything regarding freezing the pack with a wild card or needing 50( you quote 15) or 90 or 120 to do down depending on your score or about black 2/s being a wild card and a jokers value is 50 also wild, and if the pack is frozen you need 2 like cards to pick up the pack you did not quote that you need 1 or 2 Canastas( depending on what you agree before the game commences) to go out and that you have no cards left in your hand. Where did you get your rules????

By: Blanchw Wed, 08 Mar 2017 12:44:00 +0000 I have played Canasta since the 1960.s the rules I play by are very different to yours Firstly I play that it is 50 to go down until your score is 1495 or more then it is 90 to go down and when the score is 3000 you need 120 to go down I also play 2 Canasta’s to go out. You do not mention what happens after the initial start of play you said nothing about red 3’s and wild cards and freezing the pack
I do not think you have given enough details for anyone learning.
